domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011

Roster da DNA

Confira Clicando no Título da Postagem, o Roster da DNA!!!

Nome do Lutador: John Morrison
Nickname(Apelido): The Monday Night Delight
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc): High-Flyer e Brawler
Heel ou Face: Face
Signature Move(Máx 4): Standing Shooting Star Press, Spinning Heel Kick, Breakdance Leg Drop, Springboard Roundhouse Kick(Flash Kick)
Finisher Move(Máx 2): Starship Pain, Moonlight Drive

Nickname:Tarcisio Del Rio
Theme:Alberto Del Rio Theme
Heel Ou Face:Heel
Signatures:Suplex,Super Kick,German Suplex,Military Press
Finisher:Rolling Cross ArmBar,450°Splash

Nome do Lutador: Kirk
Nickname(Apelido): Rated Kirk
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc): Hardcore, Dirty
Heel ou Face: Heel
Signature Move(Máx 4): Big Boot, Clothesline, Cobra Clutch, Scoop Slam
Finisher Move(Máx 2): Spear, RKO
Stable: WWS
Titles: 1x DNA World Tag Team Champion (Atual)

Nome do Lutador: Jeff Hardy
Nickname(Apelido):The Extreme Boy
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc):High-Flyer, Hardcore
Heel ou Face:Face
Signature Move(Máx 4):619,spear,chokeslam,RKO
Finisher Move(Máx 2): Swanton bomb, Whisper In the Wind
Stable: WWS
Title: 1x DNA World Heavyweight Champion (Atual)

Nome do Lutador:Crippler
Heel ou Face:Face
Signature Move(Máx4):Sharpshotter,Walls Of Jericho,Crossbody e 450 Splash
Finisher Move(Máx2):The PlayMaker e LeBell Lock
Stable: Ex-WWS

Nome do Lutador:The Gustavo
Nickname(Apelido):Gus King of Kings
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc):Technical
Heel ou Face:Face
Signature Move(Máx 4):Spinebuster,suplex,Knee to the head
Finisher Move(Máx 2):Pedigree,Figure four leg lock

Nome do Lutador:LeoCena
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc):Hardcore
Theme:My time is now
Heel ou Face:Face
Signature Move(Máx 4):You Can't see me, spear, Crosline
Finisher Move(Máx 2):RKO, Attitude Adjustiment

Nome: Chris Masters
Apelido: The Masterpiece
Theme: The Unforgiven - Metalica
Golpes Normais:Suplex, cotheslines, slaps, body slam, Manhatan Slam
Sig Moves: Full Nelson Slam, Half Nelson Suplex e Powerslam
Finisher: Full Nelson Lock(Masters Lock) e RKO
Estilo de Seu wreslter: Tecnical

Nome do Lutador:Papito
Estilo: High-Flyer
Heel ou Face:Face
Signature Move(Máx 4):Sharpshooter,Asai DDT(ultimo dragon),Suplex Stunner
Finisher Move(Máx 2):Eye of the Storm,Infrared(amazing red)
Stable: WWS

Nome do Lutador:The Miz
Nickname:The Awesome One
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc):Diry,Tecnical
Heel ou Face:Heel
Signature Move:Reality Check ,Mizard of Oz,Swinging corner clothesline ,Sitout shoulder jawbreaker
Finisher Move(Máx 2):Reality Check,Skull-Crushing Finale

Nome do Lutador: Mateus Cristani
Nickname(Apelido): Cristani
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc): Powerhouse e Hardcore
Heel ou Face: Face
Signature Move(Máx 4): Figure Four,edgecution
Finisher Move(Máx 2):Angle Lock,Sweet Chin Music

Nome do Lutador:Ian Távora
Nickname(Apelido): Cobra
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc):Power House
Heel ou Face:Heel
Signature Move(Máx 4):Closeline from Heel e FaceBuster
Finisher Move(Máx 2):Canadian Destroyer e o Finisher do Drew.
Stable: WWS
Title: 1x DNA World Tag Team Champion (Atual)

Nome do Lutador: NN Styles
Nickname(Apelido): "The Phenomenal One"
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc): High Flyer, Showman, Dirty
Theme: Alter Bridge - Come to Life
Heel ou Face: Heel
Signature Move(Máx 4): Springboard Flying Forearm (AJ Styles) , Best Moonsault Ever (BME, Cristopher Daniels) , Angels Wings (Christopher Daniels) e Dropkick after Duck and Leapfrog (AJ Styles)
Finisher Move(Máx 2): Stlyes Clash (AJ Styles) e Phenomenal Piledriver (Canadian Destroyer [Sunset Flip Piledriver], Petey Willians)

Nome do lutador: FatalWay
Nickname: FTW
Estilo: High-Flyer
Heel ou Face: Face
Signature move:spining reverse DDT,rebound bulldog,Side effect,reverse DDT
Finisher move: Rock Bottom,go to sleep

Nome do Lutador: Toko
Nickname: O Infernal
Estilo: Brawler / High Flyer
Theme: E tudo vai ficar pior - Matanza
Heel ou Face: tweener
Signature Move: SpineBuster , TKO , Swanton Bomb e chokeslam
Finisher Move: Swinging Side Slam e Moonsault
Stable: WWS

Nome do Lutador:Sheamus
Nickname(Apelido):Celtic Warrior
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc):PowerHouse
Heel ou Face:Heel
Signature Move(Máx 4):Bicycle Kick/Brogue Kick
Crucifix Powerbomb/High Cross
Finisher Move(Máx 2):RKO,Punt Kick

Nome do Lutador:Amauryrko
Estilo(Ex: Powerhouse, High-Flyer, etc):Powerhouse
Theme:This fires Burns:
Heel ou Face:Hell
Signature Move(Máx 4):Spike DDT,Punt Kick,Inverted Headlock Backbreaker e Orton Stomp.
Finisher Move(Máx 2):RKO e GTS(go to sleep)

Nome do Lutador: Fernando K.A
Nickname(Apelido): N/A
Estilo: Powerhouse
Theme: A do Kurt Angle
Heel ou Face: Face
Signature Move(Máx 4): German Suplex, Suplex, Belly To Belly e Crossface Chickenwing!
Finisher Move(Máx 2): Ankle Lock, Angle Slam/Olympic Slam

Nome do Wrestler:Drake Kinghoffer
Theme Song:
Heel ou Face:Heel
Estilo de Luta:High-Flyer,Showman
Signature Moves: Double Arm DDT(Drew McIntyre) e Superkick.
Finishers:The Main Street e Monsault Driver.
The Main Roll:
Moonsault Driver:

Nome do Wrestler: Erick Evans
Nickname: N/A
Heel ou Face: Face
Estilo de Luta: Powerhouse, Submission
Signature Moves: Abdominal Street , Koji Clutch, Fireman's carry double knee gutbuster ( Death by Roderick ) e Shinning Wizard
Finishers: Paradise Lock e CX '02 (Crucifix cutter)

Nome do Wrestler: G.Shadonws
Nickname: Synyster
Theme Song:
Heel ou Face:Face
Estilo de Luta:High-Flyer,Hardcore
Signature Moves: Cattle Mutilation (bryan Daniels) , Code Break
Finishers: Paroxysm (Tyler Black),  God's last Gift (tyler black

Nome do Lutador:Leonardo Felix
Nickname:Latino Heat
Heel ou Face:Heel
Signature Move(Máx 4):Three Amigos,Gore Special
Finisher Move(Máx 2):Frog Splash

Nome do Wrestler: Vincent Moore
Nickname: Shadows
Heel ou Face: Face
Estilo de Luta: Hardcore, High Flyer.
Signature Moves: Lion Sault ,Shoot Star Leg drop , Swaton Bomb
Finishers: Shadonws over Hell ,Bizarro Driver

Nome do Wrestler: Nick Onyx
Nickname: King of Chaos
Theme Song:
Heel ou Face: Heel
Estilo de Luta: Tecnical, High Flyer.
Signature Moves: Snap Suplex,Thesz press followed by punches,Hair-pull backbreaker, Standing moonsault.
Finishers: Fatal Fate(Tiger Suplex) e Down N' Out(Sitout facebuster)

Nome do Lutador: Lucian
Nickname: Darthy
Estilo: Technical
Signature Move: Crucifix Powerbomb, Crossface Submission, Phoenix Splash.
Finisher Move: Running Crucifix Powerbomb

Nome: Tyler Reks
Golpes Normais: Scoop Slam, Big Boot, Belly To Back Suplex, Snap DDT e Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
Sig Moves: Devil Lock DDT e Crucifix Armbar
Finishers: Burning Hammer e Dominator
Estilo de Seu wreslter: PowerHouse e Hardcore

Nome: Curt Angel
Golpes Normais:Leg Drop, Elbow Drop, Rolling Elbow, Drop Kick, Running Front Kick
Sig Moves:Crucifix Drive, Horn of Aries, La mistica
Finisher:450º Splash, Bizarro Drive
Estilo de Seu wreslter:Submission e High Flyer

Nome:Ricardo CÃOtinho
Theme: Who Let The Dogs Out?
Golpes Normais:Big boot,clothesline,drop kick, uppercut
Sig Moves:Air bourne, chokeslam
Finisher: Stuner,spear, gogoplata
Estilo de Seu wreslter: Hardcore,tecnical, powerhouse

Nome: Hulk Hoogan
Apelido: Mr Hollywood
Theme:Sexy Boy -Shawn Micheals
Golpes Normais: Backbreaker, clotheslines, Big Boot, elbow drop, german suplex,ddt e drop kick
Sig Moves:Chokeslam, Piledriver e Atomic Leg Drop
Finisher:Military Press Slam e Axe Bomber
Estilo de Seu wreslter: Powerhouse + Showman

Nome do Wrestler: Matt'S Coelho
Nickname: The Invencible
Theme Song:Theme Goldberg
Heel ou Face: Face
Estilo de Luta: Powerhouse.
Signature Moves: JackHammer
Finishers: Spear , RKO

Nome do Wrestler:Justin Von Black
Nickname:Lo Ultimo Mexican Warrior
Theme Song:
Heel ou Face: Face
Estilo de Luta: High Flyer,Submission
Signature Moves: Tiger Feint Kick,Imploding 450 splash,Dragon Suplex Hold,F.T.BxB Hulk)
Finishers:La Mistica,A little Peace Of Heaven(Grounded Superkick)
Title: 1x DNA Champion (Atual)



WWS-World Wrestling Supremacy
Membros: Kirk, Ian Távora, Toko, Papito, Jeff Hardy & The Reaper

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